Thursday, June 2, 2011

5 Techniques to Create Influence & Confidence

Every human activity is dictated by a person's confidence or lack thereof. Without it, your life is meaningless and success is minimal. A person without confidence must first acquire it, and then practice to improve it. For some people confidence seems to come natural in some situations, and then there are others who allow fear to steal their confidence; yet it can be learned. It is a doggy dog world, and self confidence is absolutely essential for survival in your personal and professional life.

Your confidence level can be conveyed both orally and though body language. The way a person walk, talk, stand, and interacts with others communicates the individual's level of confidence. Many people claim that your handshake says a lot about you. A confident person commands respect, and people are drawn to them. The quality of your self confidence determines the quality of your influence.

1.) When conversing maintain eye contact long enough to notice the color of the addressee eyes.
2.) Whenever possible make an attempt to address the individual directly. (eg… How are you doing Chris? Good morning Sherry! April how was your weekend.)
3.) Always speak to strangers. Speak to everyone. This may feel awkward at first, but it creates a strong and engaging presence for you.
4.) Be more affectionate and appreciative. (eg… You are so much fun to be around Mary! Jason; great job today!)
5.) Infer or reinforce specific abilities or positive self image (eg… That looks great Charles; I really appreciate it. Sherry that is awesome, you are a real pro!)

A person who is confident has a magnetic personality that draws people to them; they are raw, compelling, and yet amusing. These are some simple techniques that you can put to use today to create influence both at home and on the job.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Carlos,

    Thank you for stopping by The Loop of Confidence! It looks like you have a good start to your blog. Would love to talk with you and discuss having you on my Blog Talk Radio show to have a great conversation about Self-Confidence.
